
New Sprites

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I decided that the Oryx sprite pack probably wasn't going to be very viable commercially, due to the massive saturation of use. So I tried my hand at crafting my own characters. Still a lot of work to make new sprites for everything but I think the characters and monsters are the more important things to change. I added some new tile graphics to try and create a 3/4 perspective look to more or less match the character. I am fairly happy with this for the first revision.

Tagged under gamedevroguelikesprites

Lighting take 2

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Trying out the SpriteLightKit plugin, almost what I want.

Tagged under gamedevunity3droguelikelighting


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Added some torches!

Tagged under gamedevunity3droguelike

So much faster...

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Gave up on my own engine and started to use Unity3d.

Tagged under gamedevunity3droguelike

Slightly Better Astar!

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Clearly this is not right!

Tagged under gamedevc++11roguelikeastar