Tool: aviriaparser.rb
So a while back I downloaded and setup the Avira Professional Beta for linux, it is a really good product for finding malware. This product has two downsides 1) it does not work on powerpc and 2) the logs are in a lame text format. So I needed was a way to parse all the endless logs from the binaries I have collected to see if anything was interesting enough to go ahead and RE the malicious code. So here is a simple script that will parse the raw Avira logs and write the results to screen for easy viewing. The version I use in production is built into a rails app and to complex too post here. Sorry.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#Jacob Hammack
#Ruby parser for the output of the Avira Professional for linux results
#This script assumes filenames are the sha1 hash of the file
#to change this
f =[0])
f.each { |line|
lines = line.split(':')
date = lines[0]
time = lines[1]
time1 = lines[2]
av = lines[3]
type = lines[4]
result = lines[5]
results =
printf "Date: %s:%s:%s\n", date, time, time1
printf "AntiVirus: %s\n", av
if type =~ /WARNING .*\/([0-9a-fA-F]{40})(.*)/
type = $1
result = $2
result[0] = ' '
printf "Filename: %s\n", type
printf "Result: %s\n", result
elsif type =~ /ALERT .*\/([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/
type = $1
printf "filename: %s\n", type
result.scan(/(.*);(.*);(.*)/) { |s, c, d|
printf "Shortname: %s\n", s
printf "Category: %s\n", c
printf "Description: %s\n", d
puts "\n"
Example Usage
[hammackj@fajitas:~/Desktop]$ ./avguparser.rb filescan-20090615.log
Date: 2009-06-15 13:41:25 hoss avscan[21821]
AntiVirus: AVGU
Date: 2009-06-15 13:41:40 hoss avscan[21821]
AntiVirus: AVGU
filename: 00A66A90C0B2ECC0DEB975BE1F47526FD598D4A0
Shortname: TR/Agent.225280.I
Category: trojan
Description: Is the Trojan horse TR/Agent.225280.I
Date: 2009-06-15 13:41:41 hoss avscan[21821]
AntiVirus: AVGU
filename: 00B224187CE4C7E378E954DB76D1AF86DDF1403B
Shortname: ADSPY/Mywebsearch.AN.2
Category: adware
Description: Contains detection pattern of the Ad- or Spyware ADSPY/Mywebsearch.AN.2